It's absolutely wonderful that I have this great space to work in. Finding the time to make it a space I can work in is proving quite daunting. With the little one now walking I tend to stay in safer zones of the house or outside in the garden. This is my latest excuse for not getting my dream studio up and running.
Under all the chaos there will be space for individual and small group (very small) art lessons as well as my own working area for various media. My number one artistic passion is CLAY. I have a kickwheel waiting to be delivered as soon as I clear a space. My kiln is at the end of the shop. There's a large worktable I just retopped with masonite and two other existing workstations for "cleaner" arts like papermaking and block printing.
This shop will be seasonal as there is no heat and we live in zone 4. It gets a bit chilly round these parts and I plan to eventually inhabit a small heated sewing room (It doesn't actually exist yet. One thing at a time) in our attic during the coldest months.
That's the plan. Now to act.
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