Today marks six years ago that I dropped my comfy life and headed West into new frontier. I gave up my job, apartment and car. I stored my things with a friend and made haste for someplace else. People thought I was nuts. It was a bit, but I feel that for me it was a brave moment of breaking out of the security of known quantities. I grew up pretty sheltered so this was really pushing the envelope...heading to who knows where. It was the best thing I've ever done and I will elaborate another time.
For now I'd like to bring attention to today's Live Earth concert and the Localvore movements currently in play this summer. It's a major shift...that for me, started with my cross country trip...to let go of old ways that are proving to be damaging to the earth, ourselves and our neighbors. Its not an act that comes easily. We need to start now to make small changes that serve to protect our environment or at least reduce our negative impact. I like to keep my bearing on harm reduction. It's a step in the right direction. I'm not willing to go without toilet paper but I will buy a recycled paper product. I'm not willing to give up meat but I will support local growers and buy from a known and trusted farmer who pasture raises and so forth.
I won't turn this into a soapbox of preaching. I will encourage my fellow people to stop and consider the impact of their lives. Where did the food I am eating come from? How many working hands were necessary to give me my clothes? How much energy am I consuming? What am I giving in return?
Another thought: Though I am celebrating where I am today by the choices I have made I am weeping for an insect...the honey bee. They are going through a major downsizing in this country and its rather alarming. Check out the news. The bees of this country seem to be overworked and they are paying the price through major colony deaths and disease. The figure I've read is that roughly every third bite of food was brought to you by a honey bee's pollination. Holy cow! I'm going to keep an eye on this topic as its a sad story with tremendous repercussions on our food resources.
Note that my bee picture is that of a "Bumble Bee" not the honey bee in plight.
The good news is its summer! The garden is coming into its grand performance. The weather has been fine...not too hot, enough rain for crops and wells. Lots to be thankful for.
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