Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kidding around

The baby goats crack me up. Folks here frequently take in the baby goat therapy offered in the backyard. It is a real kick to be climbed and pawed and snuggled by little caprine beings. Hard to keep a straight face.

Amos and Able are lap goats. Alice has a hair fetish and Andy has affinity for climbing. Alarm is the most stand-offish though he is generally game for a goat pile.

Soon they will be too big for this fun, and we will regulate them to the back forty to take down the poison ivy population. I really won't want them to climb me at that point, despite their ridiculous cuteness.

Wood Firing Part Two

Its the latest project I participated in this spring, in between goat midwifery, kid-sitting and garden tending...oh yes, then there's our own child.

I cooperated with a group of potters in the area and was able to put a few pieces in the wood kiln. I had never done this before and was really excited to be a part of it. I spent one half day of prep at  the kiln, a 12 hour shift at the start of the firing and another couple hours doing cleanup after the firing/picking up ware. All in all, I think it was worth it. I'll download some pieces when I take photos.

For now, some more kiln pics...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Wood Firing

This is a wood kiiln. The right side is for straight wood...here's hoping there was plenty of ash. The left side was designated for salt. I'm very new at this and have yet to understand basic details, never mind the nuances. We started firng Thursday night and finished up late Saturday eve. The kiln will cool all week and on Saturday we plan to open and view the magic...or carnage as the case may be.